Bold. Distinctive. Biblical.
A Principle-Approach® Pre-K–12 Christian School in Lancaster County, PA

If you desire to benefit charities like Dayspring Christian Academy, there are many creative and strategic ways to give.

Dayspring Christian Academy can partner with you to help you dream more, plan more and do more with the assets God has provided for you. Dayspring partners with several local trusted financial and legacy planning firms which can help you do more in building your family’s legacy while helping secure Dayspring’s mission and future. To learn more about planned giving or who we partner with, contact Joanne Martin, Advancement Director today at 717-285-2000 ext. 212.

Common Types of Planned Gifts

Planned giving integrates your personal planning goals with your charitable giving goals. In so doing, you create opportunities for charitable giving in circumstances that may not otherwise enable you to make an impact. Planned giving provides “something for everyone” by offering great flexibility through the many giving options available!

Endowment Fund

Dayspring’s Board of Trustees has formalized its efforts to create a legacy building program and an endowment fund which supports the future of the school, the mission, and our future students. “Our goal at Dayspring is to build an endowment fund so we may affect students’ and families’ lives well into the future,” said Joanne Martin, Dayspring’s Director of Advancement.

We believe that to restore America, communities must invest in the future of Christian education now so that we may affect the hearts and minds of future students. Dayspring can work with you to create a lasting legacy that will bless the school and future students. If you do not have a financial planner, Dayspring can provide you with a list of those we partner with in Lancaster County.

To learn more about ways you can help support the Endowment Fund, please contact Joanne Martin at 717-285-2000 or


Click on the red links below to learn more about specific types of planned giving. If you have questions, please contact Joanne Martin to learn about how you can share your legacy with your family and Dayspring Christian Academy.

Learn More About Specific Types of Planned Giving

Bequest: A simple type of planned giving.
Many people desire to benefit a charity, but cannot donate property to the charity while still alive. For example, an individual may need certain property to cover their living expenses or rising health care costs. A bequest is a gift to a charity at the time of one’s death. It is the simplest type of planned gift and one of the easiest to implement. Donors can leave property to a charity by including a bequest in their will or trust, or, in the case of property that passes by beneficiary designation, a gift can be made by designating specific charities as beneficiaries. With a bequest, donors can retain ownership and use of the property during their lifetime and still benefit the charity by leaving the property to them upon their death. The charities benefit by receiving cash or property, the donors’ heirs benefit because the amount given to charity is not subject to federal estate tax, and the donors benefit through the flexibility of being able to use and control the property while alive.
Charitable Remainder Trust: Creating a productive asset.
A Charitable Remainder Trust (CRT) receives cash or property from a donor, makes payments for a lifetime or term of years, and then distributes the rest to charity. This benefits donors who want to turn appreciated property that produces little or no income into a productive asset without paying capital gains tax at the sale of the property. The charity benefits through the receipt of the cash or property upon the end of the term or the donor’s death. In a CRT, the appreciated property is sold tax-free, with donors receiving payments for life or for a term of years. Not only do they receive a percentage of the CRT's value, but they also receive a current federal income tax deduction. A CRT especially benefits those with cash or appreciated property with a value of at least $100,000 and who want increased income. An attorney drafts a CRT, after which the donor transfers cash or appreciated property to it. The CRT is a tax-exempt trust that can sell the appreciated property without paying capital gains tax. It can last for the lifetimes of one or more beneficiaries or for a specific term of years. Each year, a CRT pays either an annuity amount or unitrust amount to its beneficiaries. A charitable remainder annuity trust (CRAT) pays a fixed dollar amount each year. By contrast, a charitable remainder unitrust (CRUT) pays a percentage of the account value each year.
Charitable Lead Trust: Minimizing gift or estate tax costs.
A Charitable Lead Trust (CLT) receives cash or property from a donor, makes payments to charity for a specified period, and distributes the rest to a specified beneficiary, usually family members with no additional tax. This is ideal for donors who want to give property to family members and pay as little gift or estate tax as possible. The charity benefits through the payments, and the donors benefit through the property and its growth being passed to family members. They also benefit through receiving a current federal gift or estate tax deduction for the present value of the payments to charity. A CLT is especially beneficial to a donor who wants to pass along specific property that is expected to grow substantially in value. CLTs are ideal for those with estates of $2 million or more who want to pass property to family members, so as to minimize gift or estate tax costs. An attorney drafts a CLT, after which the donor transfers cash or property to it. Unlike a charitable remainder trust (CRT), a CLT is a taxable trust. Every year of the trust term, the CLT will report its income and then take a deduction for the amount that it distributes to charity; any excess is subject to tax.
Gifts of Life Insurance: A tax-advantaged way to give.
Life insurance is a common choice of planned gifts. Making a gift of a life insurance policy to one’s favorite charity appeals to a variety of donors, because it is a flexible, cost-effective and, in many cases, tax-advantaged way to make a major gift that will benefit the nonprofit after the donor dies. Life insurance can also be used as an asset-replacement strategy. Under this strategy, a donor makes a gift of an asset (such as real estate or appreciated securities) to the nonprofit and replaces the value of that asset to benefit his/her heirs with a life insurance policy owned in a way that eliminates estate taxes on the benefit that is paid to the donor's heirs. The use of life insurance as a charitable gift doesn’t have to be a boring choice, however. There are many ways to “change it up” to suit the needs of the nonprofit organization and a donor’s planning goals. Most donors and nonprofit organizations think of life insurance only as an asset that produces a future benefit for the nonprofit organization. However, by using the wealth-replacement strategy and/or the life settlement solution the needs of the donor’s family and the nonprofit can be met.
Life Estate Reserved Gift: The gift of property.
With a life estate, a charity receives a gift of property — often a personal residence or other real estate — and the donor benefits through the retention of the right to use the property for his or her lifetime. This helps donors who may desire to leave their house or farm to charity at death, but would like a current tax benefit, as well as the ability to continue to use the property. A life estate especially benefits older donors who have enough liquid assets available for living expenses and desire a current income tax deduction. A donor executes a deed transferring a house or farm to charity. In the deed, the donor retains a “life estate” — the right to live in the home and use it for life. At the time of the gift, the donor and charity also enter into a MIT (maintenance, insurance, and taxes) agreement specifying the donor’s responsibilities with respect to the home — including the payment of maintenance, insurance, and taxes.
Bargain Sale: Giving to gain.
In a bargain sale, a charity benefits through the purchase of property for less than fair market value or accepts a gift of mortgaged property. This helps those who desire to benefit a charity, but cannot afford to give an entire property to the charity, or who may have mortgaged property they are willing to give to charity. When executing a bargain sale, donors receive a cash payment or debt relief, avoid gain on the part of the property that is a gift, and receive a current federal income tax deduction for a part of the property given to charity. Bargain sales especially benefit those who own appreciated property and want to give to a charity, but who need a benefit in return (either cash or debt relief). A bargain sale works just like any other sale except that the sale price is a bargain (less than the property is worth). The donor gets the cash or debt relief he needs, and the charity gets a valuable property for less than full price. (The difference between the sale price and the appraised value of the property is a gift to the charity.)

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